Friday, December 6, 2013

Shel Silverstein

The easiest thing to say is that he was complicated. Still easier is that he was simple.

Early on, Shel wrote mostly for Playboy. His first paychecks for cartooning were from Mr. Hefner, and they motivated him to go full time. 

He ignored his children.  Their mother (not his wife) died of cancer, and they went to live with an aunt and uncle.  His daughter died some 6 years later from a brain aneurysm.  

He didn't want to do children's books at first. They dragged him into it because the pay was real, but listen to songs like The Unicorn.  Really Shel, you can't see it?

He served in the Korean War, and he loved women; he lived as a recluse, refused interviews and decried schooling.  He was opinionated, stubborn and vulgar.

But he was a man who knew what he wanted and how to say it plainly.  Blessed art thou, Shel. 

Can you babysit Friday? 

Additional Reading: 
On Vibrators: 
On Bad Influence:
On Women's Liberation: