Monday, February 10, 2014

To the man-woman in the middle

That doesn't get expressed.
That isn't always fun.
That likes the pretty things enough, but hasn't fallen for them or
That doesn't rise for the big breath boxes called clergy/spoken-word artists.

That doesn't always enjoy the same things.
That are average, maybe self-righteous, self-neuritic, scared...
That passes through sentimental sometimes, passes back not.
That goes to work, but doesn't like it.
That dreams mediocre mostly.
That qualifies your speech, but in your prose puts judgmental nuances that of course no one else will see...

To that you I say,

Write a poem, sometimes.

About why in the middle you are sometimes sad, sometimes happy.
About why it's hard to write a poem from the middle because the middle is bland.
About how people say "Don't fall for the (wo)man in the middle. Nah, (s)he'll never help you over the edge" or
About how people say "Don't fall for the (wo)man in the middle, love. (s)he's not really not all that grounded."
About your template of questions, all starting with the normal physicals, what? and where?

A poem that's like you; that accomplishes nothing.
Bland in your beauty, beauty in your bland
With that nagging self-pity hole that's dug of self-disteem humility.
meI'd like to drop those truth bombs, yo
like bebop drummer what's-his-name
on the track with the man
who was important for
being of the not-middle,
the extreme, ex-marine, ex-terrain
beat drop beats
Slam, clash, beat beat
unexpected, unbelieved, from temporary to extravaganza eclat!
"Catch it? Check it? Did you, did you feel it? wretch it?"

Slam it home.

  Make it mash.

   Flabber gast

               The mast...


Is it because I don't believe in God or science or excitement?
Is it because I'm too curious, or (flip-side) cowering from myself, a listing powerless?

But I doubt that I can...
I doubt that I should...
I doubt that you want me to phrase it so far...

usWelcome back to self-pity Tuesday,
where lies are truths in mud-stacked water-holes the width of a hug
That whisper,

Why are you sad in the middle?
Is it because everyone else is there?