Thursday, December 4, 2014


"Sonnet 8"
~Garcilaso de la Vega
De aquella vista buena y excelente
salen espirtus vivos y encendidos,
y siendo por mis ojos recibidos,
me pasan hasta donde el mal se siente.

Entránse en el camino fácilmente,
con los míos, de tal calor movidos,
salen fuera de mí como perdidos,
llamados de aquel bien que está presente.

Ausente, en la memoria la imagino;
mis espirtus, pensando que la vían,
se mueven y se encienden sin medida;

mas no hallando fácil el camino,
que los suyos entrando derretían,
revientan por salir do no hay salida.
Out from that sight good and excellent
radiate such spirits burning and alive,
that, being received by mine eyes,
pass to me, beyond where bad is sensed.

They traverse with ease the path hence,
entering into myself -- such heat drives! --
and as though dispersed, radiate me inside,
called by that good which is present.

Absent, I imagine her in memory;
my own spirits, with thoughts of her seeing,
move and find themselves undistressed;

though finding to her no way easy,
which they themselves might thaw by being,
burst to shine from where is no egress.