![]() | "A Roque" ~Mario Benedetti |
Llegaste temprano al buen humor al amor cantado al amor decantado llegaste temprano al ron fraterno a las revoluciones cada vez que te arrancaban del mundo no había calabozo que te viniera bien asomabas el alma por entre los barrotes y no bien los barrotes se afojaban turbados aprovechabas para librar el cuerpo usabas la metáfora ganzúa para abrir los cerrojos y los odios con la urgencia inconsolable de quien quiere regresar al asombro de los libres le tenías ojeriza a lo prohibido a las desgarraduras para ínfula y orquesta al dedo admonitorio de algún colega exento algún apócrito buen samaritano que desde europa te quería enseñar a ser un buen latinoamericano le tenías ojeriza a la pureza porque sabías cómo somos de impuros cómo mezclamos sueños y vigilia cómo nos pesan la razón y el riesgo por suerte eras impuro evadido de cárceles y cepos no de responsabilidades y otros goces impuro como un poeta que eso eras además de tantas otras cosas ahora recorro tramo a tramo nuestros muchos acuerdos y también nuestros pocos desacuerdos y siento que nos quedan diálogos inconclusos recícrocas preguntas nunca dichas malentendidos y bienentendidos que no podremos barajar de nuevo pero todo vuelve a adquirir su sentido si recuerdo tus ojos de muchacho que eran casi un abrazo casi un dogma el hecho es que llegaste temprano al buen humor al amor cantando al amor decantado al ron fraterno a las revoluciones pero sobre todo llegaste temprano demasiado temprano a una muerte que no era la tuya y que a esta altura no sabrá que hacer con tanta vida. | You arrived early to good humor to love sung to love overflown you arrived early to brotherly rum to the revolutions each time that they wrested you from the world there was no prison that would fit you well you showed your soul between the bars and not well the bars were loosened disturbed you took advantage to free your body you used the metaphor pick for opening the bolts and the hates with the inconsolable urgency of one who wants to return to the wonder of the free you were spiteful to the prohibitions to the lacerations of conceit and orchestration to the admonishing finger of some exempt colleague some apocryphal good samaritan that inside europe wanted to teach you to be a good latin american You were spiteful to the purity because you knew how we are impure how we mix dreams and waking how they for us weigh reason and risk with luck you were impure escaped of jailers and traps not of responsibility and other pleasures impure as a poet therefore your were beyond such other things now I review end to end our many agreements and our few disagreements and I feel that with us remain inconclusive dialogues reciprocated questions you never asked understandings and misunderstandings that we cannot rehash but all comes back to acquire its meaning if I remember your boy eyes that were almost a hug almost a dogma the fact is that you arrived early to good humor to love sung to love overflown to brotherly rum to the revolutions but above all you arrived early too early to a death that was not yours that at this height won't know what to do with so much life. |