Friday, August 29, 2014


~Rubén Darío
Jesús, incomparable perdonador de injurias,
óyeme; Sembrador de trigo, dame el tierno
pan de tus hostias; dame, contra el sañudo infierno,
una gracia lustral de iras y lujurias.

Dime que este espantoso horror de la agonía
que me obsede, es no más de mi culpa nefanda,
que al morir hallaré la luz de un nuevo día
y que entonces oiré mi «¡Levántate y anda!»
Jesus, of injuries the incomparable pardoner,
hear me; Sower of wheat, give me the tender
bread of your host; give me, against the searing fire,
a lustrous grace of lust and ire.

Tell me that this colossal horror of agony
that obsesses me, is no more than my own errancy,
that in death I will find the light of day unlocked
and that I will hear from you "Rise and walk!"