Thursday, August 28, 2014

Walt Whitman

"Walt Whitman"
~Rubén Darío
En su país de hierro vive el gran viejo,
bello como un patriarca, sereno y santo.
Tiene en la arruga olímpica de su entrecejo
algo que impera y vence con noble encanto.

Su alma del infinito parece espejo;
son sus cansados hombros dignos del manto;
y con arpa labrada de un roble añejo
como un profeta nuevo canta su canto.

Sacerdote, que alienta soplo divino,
anuncia en el futuro, tiempo mejor.
Dice el águila: «¡Vuela!», «¡Boga!», al marino,

y «¡Trabaja!», al robusto trabajador.
¡Así va ese poeta por su camino
con su soberbio rostro de emperador!
In your country of iron lives an old sage,
beautiful as a patriarch, saintly and calm.
On the Olympian wrinkles of his brow lays
something that rules and conquers with noble charm.

His soul of the infinite seems a mirror;
His are the tired dignified men of the stole;
and with a scrolled harp from an aged oak
like a new prophet he sounds and sings his song.

A priest, who with divine breath blows,
announces a better time for the future.
He tells the eagle: "Fly!"; the mariner: "Row!",

and "Work!" he shouts to the robust worker.
So on his course this poet goes
with the magnificent face of an emperor!