Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Nuestro Secreto

"Our Secret"
~Miguel de Unamuno
No me preguntes más, es mi secreto,
secreto para mí terrible y santo;
ante él me velo con un negro manto
de luto de piedad; no rompo el seto

que cierra su recinto, me someto
de mi vida al misterio, el desencanto
huyendo del saber y a Dios levanto
con mis ojos mi pecho siempre inquieto.

Hay del alma en el fondo oscura sima
y en ella hay un fatídico recodo
que es nefando franquear; allá en la cima

brilla el sol que hace polvo al sucio lodo;
alza los ojos y tu pecho anima;
conócete, mortal, mas no del todo.
It is my secret, you must not ask me more,
a secret for me sacred and terrible;
before it I cover myself with the black mantle
of mourning piety; I do not the wall distort

that cloisters its enclosure, and my life for
the mystery I subjugate: the deception
had of knowing and up I raise to heaven
with my eyes my unquiet chest e'ermore.

There is something of the soul in the dark pit,
within its depths there is a fateful bend
that is treacherous to cross, and there on the lit

peak the sun makes dust of the muddy sand;
animate your chest, mortal, and your eyes lift;
educate yourself, but not of every end.