Monday, December 1, 2014


"Sonnet 5"
~Garcilaso de la Vega
Escrito está en mi alma vuestro gesto,
y cuanto yo escribir de vos deseo;
vos sola lo escribisteis, yo lo leo
tan solo, que aun de vos me guardo en esto.

En esto estoy y estaré siempre puesto;
que aunque no cabe en mí cuanto en vos veo,
de tanto bien lo que no entiendo creo,
tomando ya la fe por presupuesto.

Yo no nací sino para quereros;
mi alma os ha cortado a su medida;
por hábito del alma mismo os quiero.

Cuanto tengo confieso yo deberos;
por vos nací, por vos tengo la vida,
por vos he de morir, y por vos muero.
Written is in my soul your gesture,
and how much I your writing desire;
you alone write it, I read it
merely, and observe myself yours in it.

In it I am and will ever be positioned;
and though does not fit in me the much of you,
I believe it of such good, that which I know
not, taking on faith by estimation.

I was not born without but wanting you;
my soul you have cut to your measure;
by habit of the same soul I want you.

The much I have I confess owing to you;
by you I was born, and by you have I life,
by you I die, and by you I will meet death.