Monday, September 29, 2014


~Amado Nervo
Azrael, abre tu ala negra, y honda,
cobíjeme su palio sin medida,
y que a su abrigo bienechor se esconda
la incurable tristeza de mi vida.

Azrael, ángel bíblico, ángel fuerte,
ángel de redención, ángel sombrío,
ya es tiempo que consagres a la muerte
mi cerebro sin luz: altar vacío...

Azrael, mi esperanza es una enferma;
ya tramonta mi fe; llegó el ocaso,
ven, ahora es preciso que yo duerma...
¿Morir..., dormir..., dormir...? ¡Soñar acaso!
Azrael, open your black wing, and depth,
shelter me in its measureless pall,
and thus by your beneficent coat is covered
the incurable sadness of my all.

Azrael, biblical angel, gloom angel,
angel of redemption, angel of power,
already it is time for you to consecrate to death
my brain without light: empty alter...

Azrael, my hope is in sickening;
already sets my faith; arrived the last gleam,
come, now certainty must be in sleeping...
To die...? to sleep...? to sleep...? Perchance to dream!