Friday, September 5, 2014

Un Loco

"A Madman"
~Antonio Machado
Es una tarde mustia y desabrida
de un otoño sin frutos, en la tierra
estéril y raída
donde la sombra de un centauro yerra.
Por un camino en la árida llanura,
entre álamos marchitos,
a solas con su sombra y su locura
va el loco, hablando a gritos.
Lejos se ven sombríos estepares,
colinas con malezas y cambrones,
y ruinas de viejos encinares,
coronando los agrios serrijones.
El loco vocifera
a solas con su sombra y su quimera.
Es horrible y grotesta su figura;
flaco, sucio, maltrecho y mal rapado,
ojos de calentura
iluminan su rostro demacrado.
Huye de la ciudad... Pobres maldades,
misérrimas virtudes y quehaceres
de chulos aburridos, y ruindades
de ociosos mercaderes.
Por los campos de Dios el loco avanza.
Tras la tierra esquelética y sequiza
?rojo de herrumbre y pardo de ceniza?
hay un sueño de lirio en lontananza.
Huye de la ciudad. ¡El tedio urbano!
?¡carne triste y espíritu villano!?.
No fue por una trágica amargura
esta alma errante desgajada y rota;
purga un pecado ajeno: la cordura,
la terrible cordura del idiota.
It is a gloomy and disturbing afternoon
of autumn without fruit, in the earth
sterile and worn
where the shadow of a centaur drifts.
By a path in the arid flatlands,
between bleak poplars,
alone with his shadow and madness
goes the madman, speaking in shouts.
Far away are seen shaded steppes,
hills with weeds and brambles,
and the ruins of old oaks,
crowning the sour foothills.
The madman yells
alone with his shadow and chimera.
He is horrible and grotesque in figure;
thin, dirty, battered and poorly shaved,
fevered eyes
illuminate his marked face.
He fled from the city...wickedly poor,
despairing virtue and the doings
of arrogant pimps, and the ruins
of indolent merchants.
Through the country of God the madman advances.
Behind the earth emaciated and dried
Red of rust and dark of dust?
There is a dream of lily in the backdrop.
He fled from the city. The urban tedium!
Sad meat and villainous spirit!?
No, it was not by a tragic bitterness
this errant soul disjoined and broke;
he purged an alien sin: the prudence,
the terrible prudence of the fool.