"To the sea" ~Francisco de Quevedo |
La voluntad de Dios por grillos tienes, Y escrita en la arena, ley te humilla; Y por besarla llegas a la orilla, Mar obediente, a fuerza de vaivenes. En tu soberbia misma te detienes, Que humilde eres bastante a resistilla; A ti misma tu cárcel maravilla, Rica, por nuestro mal, de nuestros bienes. ¿Quién dio al pino y la haya atrevimiento De ocupar a los peces su morada, Y al Lino de estorbar el paso al viento? Sin duda el verte presa, encarcelada, La codicia del oro macilento, Ira de Dios al hombre encaminada. |
The will of God you have in irons And written in the sand, laws you withstood; The shore you, obedient sea, would Kiss, through strength of vacillation. In your own proudness have you stood, So much humbler are you than opposition; At yourself marvels your prison, Rich, by our bad, of our good. Who, for the fish their dwellings within, Has the pine and the beech tree given? And linens to block the path of the wind? Without doubt has your sight imprisoned, That greed for haggard gold therein, And God's just rage for man's ambition. |