Friday, December 12, 2014


"Sonnet 14"
~Garcilaso de la Vega
Como la tierna madre, que el doliente
hijo le está con lágrimas pidiendo
alguna cosa, de la cual comiendo,
sabe que ha de doblarse el mal que siente.

Y aquel piadoso amor no le consiente
que considere el daño que, haciendo
lo que le pide hace, va corriendo
y aplaca el llanto y dobla el accidente,

así a mi enfermo y loco pensamiento,
que en su daño os me pide, yo querría
quitarle este mortal mantenimiento.

Mas pídemele y llora cada día
tanto que cuanto quiere le consiento,
olvidando su muerte, y aun la mía.
Like the tender mother, whose distressed
child oft with tearful plaints is begging
for whichever thing, that which eating,
knows that he'll but double pain professed.

Thus woe does not her pious love redress
since may she guess for him the pain in doing
that for which was begged: he shall go running,
assuage the wails, and double his distress,

so too my illness be and wild thoughts,
that in their pain do you for beg, I moan
to end in me this mortal maintenance.

Yet wail for her and e'er do they make groan
so much are they in want that I permit,
forgetting brief her death, and too mine own.