Friday, December 19, 2014


"Sonnet 19"
~Garcilaso de la Vega
Julio, después que me partí llorando
de quien jamás mi pensamiento parte,
y dejé de mi alma aquella parte
que al cuerpo vida y fuerza estaba dando,

de mi bien a mí mismo voy tomando
estrecha cuenta, y siento de tal arte
faltarme todo el bien, que temo en parte
que ha de faltarme el aire sospirando;

y con este temor mi lengua prueba
a razonar con vos, oh dulce amigo,
del amarga memoria de aquel día

en que yo comencé como testigo
a poder dar, del alma vuestra, nueva
y a saberla de vos del alma mía.
Jules, once from you I parted crying,
friend from whom my pain doth never part,
I left you there my soul, the only part
that to my body life and strength were giving.

Of my good and self but was I taking
poor account, and such in was my art:
mistaking all the good, I fearing started
that the breathing air I was mistaking;

and with this fear my tongue did try to test,
to reason plain with you, sweet friend o'erused,
about the bitter memory of the day

on which I started, merely as a witness,
receiving power, from your soul, anew,
and so by you to know of my own way.