Thursday, December 18, 2014


"Sonnet 18"
~Garcilaso de la Vega
Si a vuestra voluntad yo soy de cera,
y por sol tengo sólo vuestra vista,
la cual a quien no inflama o no conquista
con su mirar, es de sentido fuera;

¿de do viene una cosa, que, si fuera
menos veces de mí probada y vista,
según parece que a razón resista,
a mi sentido mismo no creyera?

Y es que yo soy de lejos inflamado
de vuestra ardiente vista y encendido
tanto, que en vida me sostengo apenas;

mas si de cerca soy acometido
de vuestros ojos, luego siento helado
cuajárseme la sangre por las venas.
If to your will am I but bent as wax,
yet by the sun alone have visaged you,
though I am not inflamed nor been subdued
upon the viewing, then why the sense it racks!

Of whence has come a thing, that, if I've tracked
its few occurrences to test and view,
and followed them that reason was eschewed;
could not mine own feeling been of fact?

'Tis so at times that I'm beyond inflamed,
burning by thine sight, soon melted whole,
such in life have been my suffered pains;

yet oft and when am I assailed and gamed,
surrounded by thine eyes, I feel the cold
curdling icéd blood within my veins.