Tuesday, January 13, 2015


"Sonnet 29"
~Garcilaso de la Vega
Pasando el mar Leandro el animoso,
en amoroso fuego todo ardiendo,
esforzó el viento, y fuese embraveciendo
el agua con un ímpetu furioso.

Vencido del trabajo presuroso,
contrastar a las ondas no pudiendo,
y más del bien que allí perdía muriendo,
que de su propia muerte congojoso,

como pudo, esforzó su voz cansada,
y a las ondas habló desta manera
mas nunca fue su voz de ellas oída:

«Ondas, pues no se excusa que yo muera,
dejadme allá llegar, y a la tornada
vuestro furor ejecutad en mi vida».
Spirited Leander crossed the sea,
with all his burning amorousness welled,
and had he strained the wind, and had he swelled
the water with impulsed intensity.

Exhausted from the effort of his spree,
without his strength he waves no more repelled,
and then, from more the good his dying felled,
than any anguish for the death to be,

as how he could, he strained his tired voice,
and to the waves he spoke but for to yearn,
so frail a voice ne'er by their strife was heard:

"Waves, though for to die I have no choice,
just let me near, and then may you in turn
upon my life execute your furor."
Image: The Death of Leander, Charles François Sellier
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