Wednesday, January 7, 2015


"Sonnet 26"
~Garcilaso de la Vega
¡Oh hado ejecutivo en mis dolores,
cómo sentí tus leyes rigurosas!
Cortaste el árbol con manos dañosas,
y esparciste por tierra fruta y flores.

En poco espacio yacen los amores,
y toda la esperanza de mis cosas
tornados en cenizas desdeñosas,
y sordas a mis quejas y clamores.

Las lágrimas que en esta sepultura
se vierten hoy en día y se vertieron,
recibe, aunque sin fruto allá te sean,

hasta que aquella eterna noche oscura
me cierre aquestos ojos que te vieron,
dejándome con otros que te vean.
Oh fate's executor who wrote my pains,
have I felt your readings deliberately!
Have cut the tree your hands maliciously,
and along the earth its fruit and flowers slain.

My loves within a shrunken space are lain,
and all the hopes for anything to be
have turned to ashes now disdainfully,
which are deaf to clamors of mine pain.

The tears today that in this sepulchre
are spilled and have been spilléd oft of late,
receive, though fruitlessly were they for you,

until that night eternal and obscure
has shut these eyes that on you contemplate,
and left me others one morn that may construe.